Thursday, March 19, 2009

Walking in Faith

Well. Where do I start. I've gotten moved into my apartment in Wichita and have set up life there pretty well. God has been good to me. I've been looking at possible properties to set up the office and start the internship program and have found an old elementary school building in northern Wichita that would be perfect. Now I'm just praying the funds appear to make that happen. I'm going to start working on some grants, so we'll see how that goes. The plans for the program are pretty well under way. I am going to St Louis April 8th to talk to the board about the plans and get them approved or not. My biggest job right now is setting up a major speaking tour. I'm going to be in Kansas through April and May, in Peru in June, July will be Arkansas and Oklahoma, then 4 months of touring that aren't planned yet. Please keep praying that I'll find personal support. That's going to be my biggest obstacle, or so it appears. also keep my tax situation in your prayers. i went in to get them taken care of and it turns out there is a huge self employment tax that is going to kill me. My agent is talking to the IRS to see what she can get worked out. We'll see. But other than finances, things are going well. It's a good thing I don't care about money. too bad there are people like my apartment complex who do care about money. Haha. Well, thanks to all of my faithful readers. One day I will write again, so keep checking. God bless.