Thursday, May 27, 2010

It's been a while

Hey everyone. Sorry that I've been slacking on the updates. These last couple of weeks have been nuts. We were getting ready for a workcamp and then there was the workcamp and then there was the recovering after the workcamp left. Haha. It's all good. So what's new in my life in Peru? The workcamp that came down was lead by the boards new president, Keith. They worked really hard. They painted the sidewalk extension that was constructed before the school year started. They also got a majority of the house that I live in painted. It looks great. So much better than cold gray concrete everywhere. They also built 20 new benches and 6 new tables for the church in Milagro and put in a bathroom in Milagro. A finished, fully functioning bathroom. As opposed to the walled in area that the kids used and then we threw lime over. God blessed us greatly in our time. The group also helped in putting on a 2 day women's conference and there were over 300 in attendance. Two of the ladies from the group spoke and it went extremely well. We also had a chance to go out to Cusupe. If any of you have heard me tell my testimony, then you have heard about Grandma. Who, by the way, I have found out that her name is Eloisa, but she will always be Grandma to the workcampers. Anyway, when we met Grandma 3 years ago she had broken her hip and was bedridden. Bedridden to a bed made of moldy bundles of reeds. She also had arthritis so bad in her hands that she had trouble weaving the straw hats that she sold for money. The next year we went back and it was the same situation. In October it was the same situation. When we went out there last week....she was walking! With a cane, mind you, but walking! And when I asked how her hands were she simply lifted them up and wiggled her fingers around. I'm crying even as I type this. I couldn't handle it when I was there. God is so good. So good. Many more amazing things have happened that you can find out about if you are ever on my Facebook.
As far as the job is going, I am enjoying it much more. When I talked to anyone a month ago all I could talk about was the stress that came with all of the unexpected responsibilities. But now that I have gotten into the groove of things and figured out the Peruvian processes it is going much better. I still don't know what God has in store for me after December, but I know that He will show me in His time. If it's one thing I've learned in the last 2 years it is to fully rely on Him. He will provide.

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