Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Peru Bound!!

God is so good!!! I wrote last time about a new opportunity that has come up in Peru. Roma Lee has taken on raising funds for feeding programs, and she has enough to start a few. She had asked me to go with her on October 7th and help set things up. At first I said that if God worked it out I would go. God provided the money for the tickets. Then Roma Lee's health took a turn for the worst and we decided to postpone the trip for a month or two. After I updated my sponsors, I received word that Roma Lee was feeling better and we put the trip back on. In a huge step of faith I bought the tickets with all of the money that I had. I had faith that this trip was in God's will and He could provide what I would need for Stateside expenses and expenses in Peru. Of course I was a little nervous, because I only had a week to get everything together. After speaking at my new church in Wichita, God paid for my rent and more through several generous givers. Then I knew that I had one last $100 check coming in the mail. I woke up yesterday morning and told my roommate that I wished I had $100 more. That would just make me feel so much better about everything. When that $100 check came in it was written out for $200!!!! So now I am Peru bound once again. Roma Lee and I leave tomorrow for Peru. We will meet up in Atlanta around 1:30pm and then I think our flight leaves for Lima at about 5:30. We will return on the 16th. It is a much shorter trip than I am used to, but I know that it is meant to happen. Thank you for your faithful prayers, and I ask that you keep Roma Lee and this trip on your mind. Her health is fragile, but her faith is solid. Thank you God for everything you do.

Proverbs 19:21

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