Friday, October 9, 2009

We're here!

The trip was so long. Both Roma Lee and I had delays on flights, but we got here after about 28 hours of travel. Ken met us in Lima and we all kept each other company as we spent the night in those uncomfortable plastic chairs. Haha. We got here yesterday and after showers and lunch we slept most of the afternoon. Today is a national holiday, so there are no classes, but we have a full day planned. This morning we are hoping to go visit families in their homes. It will be a good day for it, because kids are out of school and maybe whole families will be home. This afternoon I will most likely go with Maria and Ruth to buy food for the 2 feedings we have planned for this weekend. That's right, 2 feedings! Nothing better than hitting the ground running. Tomorrow, Saturday, there will be a community feeding for lunch in New Reque. It is the ten year anniversary of the Sunday School there and it will be a great outreach to the community. A soup kitchen is going to let us use it's facilities for the day. We are planning to have a chicken stew with none other than rice. On Sunday morning we are going to hand out food boxes to all of the families in the church here at the school. These will be much like the food boxes that are handed out during Roma Lee's workcamps and will include staple foods such as rice, flour, oils, canned milk, oatmeal, potatoes, and many other things. We are planning a feeding in an evening next week for Milagro. All of the rest of the time will be spent trying to find leaders for breakfast programs in all of the Sunday Schools. The plan is to have breakfast for every Sunday School each week. If this works well, then hopefully it will turn into daily feedings in each of those villages. Thank you for all of your prayers, and I will keep you updated as the work continues.

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