Saturday, June 21, 2008

Latest News

The kids at VBS at my home church decided that they wanted to donate their offerings this year to the Peru Project. We very rarely hit $200 at our VBS's, but this year they raised $600! I am so amazed. I found out yesterday that we got a new foreman. Oscar is going to keep working with us, but some guy named Alex is taking over on Monday. That may prove to be an awkward day, so pray for that. I am glad Oscar is sticking around, because I like him a lot. He is a lot of fun. Kind of a quirky 43 year old man. They call him Tigre here (tiger) because he is a really hard, fast worker. Of course comparitively, he isn't that small here, but to me he seems small and mighty. Everyone around here is around 5 feet tall. I try to tell them that in the US I am average, but they don't believe me. I am an inch or two taller than Ken, so they think I am so tall. Everywhere we go everyone stops to stare at the tall gringo.

Building is coming along. We didn't do much else than dig more foundation trenches this past week. Supposedly, we start brickwork next week. I'll let you know how that goes.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I hear you on the height thing, Terrance! I remember how strange it felt to be 15 and tower over everybody.

Glad to hear about the offering. That is amazing, you're right! Keep truckin'!